Configure RF Domain Client Names and SensorsNEW!

Use this procedure to configure, modify, or delete RF Domain clients and sensors.

  1. Choose from the following actions:
    • If you are in the process of configuring a new Site (RF Domain), proceed to the next step.
    • If you want to edit or delete a RF Domain client or sensor, go to Site and select adjacent to the target Site, then follow the instructions in the steps in this procedure.

  2. Select the Client/Sensor tab.
  3. Select Add to create a new ExtremeLocation Appliance. Configure or edit the parameters as described in ExtremeLocation Appliance Parameters.
    Table 1. ExtremeLocation Appliance Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Server Id Assign a Server ID for the ExtremeLocation resource. As of now only one (1) ExtremeLocation sever can be configured.
    Note: The ExtremeLocation sensor capabilities are supported on the following AP models: AP3000, AP3000X, AP5010, AP310i/e, AP410i/e, AP505i, AP510i/e, AP560i, AP 7602, AP-7612, AP 7622, AP7632, AP7662, AP-8163, AP-8533
    IP Address/Hostname Provide the ExtremeLocation server's hostname.

    When configured, access points within the RF Domain post location-related analytics to the specified ExtremeLocation server.

    Note: Enter the server‘s hostname and not the IP address, as the IP address is likely to change periodically in order to balance load across multiple Location server instances.
    Port Specify the port for the ExtremeLocation server. This is the port on which the ExtremeLocation server is reachable. The default port is 443.
    Action Select to delete an ExtremeLocation Appliance.
  4. Select Add to create a new Sensor Appliance. Configure or edit the parameters as described in Sensor Appliance Parameters.
    Table 2. Sensor Appliance Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Server Id Assign a numerical ID for up to three ADSP server resources. The server with the lowest defined ID is the first reached by the controller or service platform. The default ID is 1.
    IP Address/Hostname Provide the numerical (non DNS) IP address or hostname of each server used as a ADSP sensor server by RF Domain member devices. A hostname cannot exceed 64 characters or contain an underscore.
    Port Specify the port of each ADSP sensor server utilized by RF member devices. The default port is 443.
    Action Select to delete a Sensor Appliance.
  5. Select Add to create a new Client Name. Configure or edit the parameters as described in Client Name Parameters.
    Table 3. Client Name Parameters
    Parameter Description
    MAC Address Enter the client's factory coded MAC address.
    Name Assign a name to the RF Domain member access point's connected client to make it easily recognizable.
    Action Select to delete a Client Name.
  6. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.